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20 total results for TWIX( score: 50 )

20 results for TWIX from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Sep 10, 202459ACandy bar with caramel and shortbreadDaniel BodilyFagliano
Sat Aug 3, 202432DBar from Mars (2)Rich NorrisFagliano
Sun Jun 5, 2022107AMars bar with shortbread and chocolateChristina Iverson and Katie HaleShortz
Tue May 11, 202114ACandy sold in pairsKevin PattersonShortz
Fri Jul 26, 201937AIt comes from Mars (2)Trenton CharlsonShortz
Mon Jul 15, 201925DCandy bar packaged in twosEd SessaShortz
Tue Apr 23, 20195AMars candy bar with caramel and milk chocolateAmanda Chung and Karl NiShortz
Thu Feb 28, 201951ACandy bar with chocolate and caramel around a waferRandolph RossShortz
Thu Sep 13, 201856DMars candy (2)Alex Eaton-SalnersShortz
Wed Feb 17, 201638A"Two for me. None for you" candy barKyle MahowaldShortz
Mon Feb 9, 201555DChocolate-and-caramel candy barLynn LempelShortz
Thu Jul 3, 201438A"Two for me. None for you" candyLuke VaughnShortz
Sun Feb 16, 201440DCandy bar that comes two to a packYaakov BendavidShortz
Fri Oct 4, 201326AChocolate bar with a long biscuit and caramelBruce R. SutphinShortz
Wed Oct 2, 201339ABar from Mars (2)Paula GamacheShortz
Sun Sep 8, 201327ACandy bar featured in a "Seinfeld" episodePete Muller and Sue KeeferShortz
Sun Feb 24, 201314DMars candy (2)Joe DiPietroShortz
Sun Jan 29, 201240DProduct from MarsIan LivengoodShortz
Thu May 20, 201070APopular chocolate barJim HilgerShortz
Thu Feb 26, 200956AIt comes from Mars (2)Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
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