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5 total results for REDRUM   ( score: 50 )

4 results for REDRUM from Modern Era puzzles:
Mon Aug 1, 202249D"The Shining" plot device that became significant when read backwardGarrett Chalfin
Sun Dec 24, 201722APlot device in "The Shining" that has significance when spelled backwardMary Lou Guizzo and Jeff Chen
Sun Apr 8, 200711DReverse mantra of "The Shining"Byron Walden
Thu Nov 7, 20026DThree-time Grand National champion whose name is a kind of liquorPatrick Merrell
1 result for REDRUM from Variety puzzles:
Feb 1, 2009Diagramless57DReverse mantra of "The Shining"Paula Gamache
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