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8 total results for NONPC( score: 20 )

8 results for NONPC from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sun Sep 25, 202287ALikely to offend, in briefMeghan MorrisShortz
Wed Sep 15, 20219DLike some offensive humorSophie Buchmueller and Ross TrudeauShortz
Thu Jan 30, 202052ALike much stand-up comedyEmily CarrollShortz
Thu Oct 10, 201920APotentially offensive (2)Tracy GrayShortz
Tue May 23, 201727APotentially offensive (2)Zhouqin BurnikelShortz
Tue Sep 27, 201617ASocially unacceptableRobert CirilloShortz
Wed Aug 14, 201342AInappropriate for the easily offended, saySarah KellerShortz
Sun Mar 7, 201083DSexist or ethnically stereotypingTony Orbach and Patrick BlindauerShortz
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