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8 total results for MYWAY( score: 50 )

7 results for MYWAY from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Jun 11, 202041AHit for 20-/22-Across (1969 or 1977)Peter A. CollinsShortz
Fri May 18, 201841DClassic song that begins "And now the end is near" (2)Ryan McCartyShortz
Wed Mar 20, 201333DSinatra standard (2)Raymond C. YoungShortz
Sun Jun 5, 201145DClassic song that begins "And now the end is near" (2)Yaakov BendavidShortz
Wed Jul 23, 200833DOl' Blue Eyes classicHenry QuillenShortz
Tue Aug 1, 200051DSinatra classicRandall J. HartmanShortz
Tue Jan 17, 199540ASinatra standard (2)Gregory E. PaulShortz
1 result for MYWAY from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Dec 12, 199024DA 1969 hit for 20 AcrossRichard SilvestriMaleska
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