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6 total results for EASYRIDER   ( score: 50 )

4 results for EASYRIDER from Modern Era puzzles:
Sat Jan 6, 201835D1960s movie with the tagline "A man went looking for America. And couldn't find it anywhere"Peter Wentz
Thu Dec 15, 201631D1969 film whose working title was "The Loners"Jacob Stulberg
Sat Jun 4, 201126AClassic film featuring Captain AmericaFrederick J. Healy
Sat Aug 1, 199810DClassic film with the role of Captain AmericaJoe DiPietro
1 result for EASYRIDER from Variety puzzles:
Dec 11, 2016AcrosticP1969 film in which hogs are prominent (2 wds.)Emily Cox & Henry Rathvon
1 result for EASYRIDER from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Tue May 25, 198246APeter Fonda film: 1969Judson G. TrentMaleska
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