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10 total results for DIALIN( score: 50 )

10 results for DIALIN from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sun May 30, 20213DJoin a conference call, say (2)Adam WagnerShortz
Mon Aug 31, 202037AJoin a conference call, say (2)Anne Marie CrinnionShortz
Sun Sep 16, 201215DTry to reach headquarters, sayDavid Steinberg and Barry HaldimanShortz
Sat Sep 4, 201040DPhone headquarters (2)Mark DiehlShortz
Wed Dec 12, 20073DTry to reach a talk show, say (2)Daniel KantorShortz
Tue Jul 5, 200546DJoin a teleconferenceBeth HinshawShortz
Thu Nov 11, 200446DCall a radio show, e.g.Michael ShteymanShortz
Sat Dec 12, 199846DTry to reach a talk show, say (2)Rich NorrisShortz
Tue Sep 29, 199838AConnect via phoneThomas W. SchierShortz
Wed Nov 16, 199454APhone headquarters (2)Chuck DeodeneShortz
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